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Prima Bags to launch its customizable eco-friendly paper bags at PSI 2020 in Dusseldorf​

From 7th to 9th of January Prima Bags is attending the »The Leading European Trade Show of the Promotional Product Industry« PSI 2020 in Dusseldorf, Germany, to launch its latest product line: Customizable, 100% Recyclable, and Biodegradable paper bags for retail and promotional use. Visit us in Hall 11 at Stand E64.

With EU legislation coming to force, the times of free plastic carrier bags offered to consumers by large retailers, shops, and other small merchants with their purchases are quickly and finally coming to an end. As an environment-oriented FSC certified company we fully support the efforts to minimize the waste we, as a community, produce each year.

To pledge our alliance to European Union’s efforts to reduce the use of single-use plastic and further support our mission of delivering eco-friendly products to a wide variety of businesses we are therefore introducing a new addition to our portfolio of eco-friendly products: Customizable and biodegradable paper bags for use in retail, promotional, and other awesome businesses.

Our awesome paper bags come in one size (other dimensions coming in 2020) the bags not only hold the FSC and PEFC certificates but also provide our partners with the freedom to be creative with their bag design in full color. The state-of-the-art production lines enable us to bring your paper bag designs to life and deliver them to your office or warehouse in a matter of a few weeks also in case of small orders. To learn more about our bags and their key features visit our Products page or send an inquiry using the inquiry form.

To get a hold of your free Prima Bag sample visit us at our awesome eco-friendly booth E64 in Hall 11 at PSI 2020 in Dusseldorf Germany from 7.-9. January.

To get the invitation and the entry pass from Prima Bags please sign in here.

Looking forward to seeing you at PSI 2020.


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